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County Auditor
1110 Washington St. Suite 201
Laredo, Texas 78040
Phone: 956-523-4016
Fax: 956-523-5001
Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm
Closed Weekends and Holidays
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Webb County, as public steward, is committed to protect public assets and prevent fraud, waste and abuse. The County has established, through Lighthouse Services, Inc.(Lighthouse), both a Telephone Hotline and this Website for the purpose of reporting fraud, unlawful, unethical and other types of improper behavior described in the County's Fraud and Prevention Policy. All employees, Supervisors and County Officials/Department Heads should be aware of potential "red flags" which may lead to fraud and have a duty to report.

Employees, elected officials, vendors, contractors and our constituency are encouraged to use the hotline service in cases where their anonymity is desired.

Reports may cover but are not limited to the following topics:

❖ Bribery and Kickbacks ❖Misuse of County Property
❖ Conduct Violations ❖ Quality of Service
❖ Conflict of Interest ❖ Theft and/or Embezzlement
❖ Ethical Violations ❖ Threats
❖ Falsification of Contract, Reports, or Records ❖ Vandalism and Sabotage
❖ Fraud ❖ Violation of County Policy
❖ Internal Controls ❖ Violation of Federal, State or Local Law

Please note that the information provided may be the basis of an internal review and/or external investigation into the issue you are reporting and your anonymity will be protected to the extent possible by law by Lighthouse. However, your identity may become known during the course of the examination because of the information you have provided. Reports are submitted directly by Lighthouse to the Auditor's Office for review and examination.

For all reports or issues not requiring anonymity, such as Civil Service, please ensure to follow the County's policies regarding reporting practices. Regular business matters that do not require anonymity should be directed to the employee's supervisor and should not be submitted using this services. The hotline and website are NOT a substitute for routine communications within our organization between employees and their supervisors and managers, particularly as to workplace duties. Likewise, it does not replace communications with Human Resources staff about benefit issues or other job related reporting issues.

The hotline and website are additional communication tools provided as a best business practice.

Constituents, County Officials, Department Heads, employees, consultants, vendors, contractors, and any other parties with whom Webb County maintains a business relationship may report any fraud, waste and abuse to Lighthouse Services. Confidential services are provided by Lighthouse Services and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for use by employees and staff via:
    •    Website: www.lighthouse-services.com/webbcounty
    •    Telephone Hotline:
          o English speaking USA and Canada: 833-920-0001 (not available from Mexico)
          o Spanish speaking North America: 800-216-1288
    •    E-mail: reports@lighthouse-services.com (must include "Webb County" in subject line)
    •    Fax: (215) 689-3885 (must include reference to "Webb County" in transmittal sheet)
    •    Mobile App: Download Anonymous Reporting from the Apple Store and Google Play
          o When prompted, Keyword: WEBBCOUNTY

Webb County & Texas State Image, Footer
Webb County Orange with Blue outline & Texas State Image, Footer